Fourth Annual Calumet Heights Community Coalition

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commerce

The Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commerce is a membership based organization geared towards helping businesses small and large with increasing and sustaining their business. The Chamber provides constituent services like marketing strategies, advertising, grant writing, and SBIF programs. We also offer and extensive workshop schedule offered by the City of Chicago to help support their business needs. If you would like more information on how to become a member of the Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commerce, please contact:

Angela Williams, Executive Director
Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commerce
8334 S. Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60617
(773) 734-0626 Office
(773) 734-0649 Fax

Where Commerce Meets Community

Truth & Soul Barbershop
Serving the Community for Over 40 Years
1740 East 87th Street
(773) 768-9700
Supports the
Calumet Heights Community Coaliton

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